African Bird Hunting
Many hunters focused on big game overlook the excellent African bird hunting available. A safari in this niche can be highly rewarding and is a perfect compliment to a bigger game hunt.
The wing shooting options in South Africa are vast and varied, with incredible numbers of both pigeons and doves, as well as upland game birds and waterfowl. Huge flocks of helmeted guinea fowl, seven species of francolin (old-world partridge) and the elusive quail are found in the high mountain areas above 6,000 feet where they breed and roost. Driven pigeon and dove shoots over sunflower and corn crops are also common with no bag limits imposed.
Wings Over Africa: African Bird Hunting Adventures
South African doves include laughing dove, African mourning dove and Cape turtle dove as well as the less frequently hunted sandgrouse and double-banded rock dove. These are primarily forest-dwelling species that roost and breed in the cliffs, gorges and manmade structures of the mountains but fly out to feed on surrounding grasslands and fields. These gregarious doves offer some of the best hot barrel shooting to be had and can be very challenging to shoot due to their acrobatic flight behaviour.
Waterfowl include a large number of duck species as well as the huge Egyptian and Spurwing geese. These are shot from thatch blinds on ponds, marshes and vleis, with morning shoots over freshly harvested fields and afternoon shoots on incoming flight paths to the water impoundments being most productive.
Although wildlife conservation is a top priority in Africa, there are still concerns about the loss of habitat for wild birds. The most critically endangered species are raptors, with the majority of populations becoming more dependent on protected areas for survival. The expansion of PAs to 30 percent by 2030 is key to protecting the future of these important birds and other wildlife.