California Trademark Lawyer
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California Trademark Lawyer

Whether you’re an entrepreneur with a breakthrough idea or an established brand expanding your reach, your trademark is an essential asset. Protecting it requires a skilled california trademark lawyer.

Trademarks are words, symbols, phrases, logos, or designs that distinguish a company’s goods or services from those of its competitors. They can provide legal protection, serve as a deterrent to others from using the mark, and act as a public record of ownership.

The Role of a California Trademark Lawyer in Protecting Your Brand

In California, trademarks can be registered at the state level through the Secretary of State’s office. State registration is usually used by businesses that operate within a single state and do not engage in interstate commerce. However, if you plan to expand your business across the country or internationally, federal registration is often necessary.

EB1 Immigration Lawyer can help you register your trademark by completing the short application and filing fee. The application must include a description of the mark, a listing of the classes of goods or services to which it applies, and a specimen showing how the mark is used in commerce.

Your attorney should also search for trademark availability before filing your application. The search should include both the free databases provided by the USPTO and paid subscription databases. The search should also consider similar existing trademarks. Failure to search for prior marks can result in your registration being blocked by the Secretary of State’s office. You may be ordered to pay large sums in monetary damages.

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